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Corporate Social Responsibilty


Corporate Social Responsibility is company’s sense of responsibility towards the community & environment in which it operates. Company believes in conducting its business responsibly, fairly and in a transparent manner. It brings overall positive impact on the society & environment where it operates. Company making consistent efforts over the years towards economic & social up-liftment of marginalized sections of the society.


To lay down guidelines to make CSR a key business process for sustainable development of the society and environment in which it operates. It aims in enhancing welfare measures for the society based on the immediate and long term social and environmental consequences of the Company’s activities in India.

This Policy specifies the projects and programmes that can be undertaken and the scope kept as wide as possible, so as to allow the Company to respond to different situations and challenges appropriately and flexibly, subject to the activities enumerated in Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013 as mentioned below, which the Company plans to undertake during the implementation years:

  • Promotion of education Awareness campaigns Child welfare & rehabilitation of differently-abled Gender equality Empowering women and employment enhancing vocational skills
  • Community development Health care Sanitation Reducing child morality and improving maternal health Combating human immunodeficiency virus Acquired immune deficiency syndrome Malaria and other diseases; and eradicating extreme hunger and poverty
  • Ensuring environmental sustainability & setting up social business projects
  • Contribution to Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund or other fund set up by the Government for socio-economic development Relief & welfare; and other matters with main objective of betterment of society as prescribed

However, the Members of the CSR Committee of the Company shall be authorised to consider other CSR activities that are not falling under the above areas.


The Board of Directors of the Company has constituted a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) & Social Performance Management (SPM) Committee of Directors. A separate department being formed for the sole purpose of managing the social activities in backward areas called as “Social Performance Management Department” headed by a SPM officer. The Committee shall report to the Board, at least on an annual basis, the status of the CSR projects/activities undertaken by the Company along with the impact created by such projects/ activities. The Committee will play the following roles in fulfilling the Company’s CSR objectives:

  • Formulation & review of CSR Policy indicating the activities to be undertaken towards CSR initiatives, and ensuring transparent monitoring mechanism
  • Recommendation of funds for expenditure to be incurred on CSR activities
  • Formulation of projects/programmes/activities proposed by the Company & end use of the amount spent towards CSR activities
  • Annually/quarterly reporting to the Board, the status of CSR activities & contributions made by the Company & other requirements mandated as per the statute/law
  • To ensure steady progress & proper utilization of CSR amount and Periodic Field visits by the persons deputed by the Company
  • Quarterly operational/progress reports within 30 days from the end of each month along with a consolidated statement of expenses
  • To upload/update CSR Policy on its website with a detailed status report &responsibility statement on CSR activities to be disclosed every year as part of Director’s Report stating that, CSR Policy implementation and monitoring thereof is, in true letter & spirit and comply the CSR objectives

The CSR Committee may engage external agencies to evaluate the CSR projects and monitor its progress. The Committee would constantly monitor the implementation of the CSR projects and the utilization of the CSR amount.


Following procedure required to be adhered for undertaking CSR activities/projects:

  • Formulating & recommending a letter of contribution for undertaking CSR activities through CSR Committee along with project plan submitted therewith
  • The contribution would be for a particular project(s) identified by the Company
  • The disbursement of the contribution amount by the Company to the Partnering NGOs shall be made only if they have requisite approval
  • Whilst making any contribution shall specify the activities for which it will spend and any income earned shall be utilised towards CSR activities only


The Company shall ensure that it spends, in every financial year, at least 2% of its average net profits made during the 3 immediately preceding financial years, as per Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made there under.

A separate fund is maintained for the sole purpose for spending on CSR and SPM activities and allocation of funds from the profits of the Company to the said fund.

CSR Committee will Forecast/Schedule the CSR activities to be performed well in advance and make a proposed budget to allocate the funds required for that purpose and will decide on the following with regard to spending of CSR amount:

  • Percentage of total amount to be contributed for social developmental activities
  • Salaries paid to regular CSR staff & volunteers (in proportion to company’s time/hours spent specifically on CSR) to be factored into CSR project cost as part of the CSR expenditure
  • Tranches of disbursement of funds for social activities
  • Any surplus arising from CSR projects will not form part of business profits
  • Any income arising from the contribution received and surplus arising out of the CSR activities will be used for CSR only
  • The Committee shall recommend to contribute funds for building the CSR capacities of personnel, for the Company as well as contribute for the same to external institutions (with established track records), through which it may undertake its CSR activities, but such expenditure shall not exceed 25% of total CSR expenditure of the company in one financial year and require prior approval of CSR Committee